The Karl Robert Kaldenbach Instrumenten-Fabrik company began in the 1800s. It registered with the commercial authorities in Solingen on April 21, 1920. Kaldenbach specialized in manufacturing surgical and veterinarian instruments. The 1922 advertisement above displays its previous trade name as "Hugo Kaldenbach" and lists special "knives for extracting rubber" (Gummi-Zapfmesser) in addition to surgical instruments and cutlery. A portion of the advertisement is in French suggesting it exported products to France. During the Third Reich era, Kaldenbach manufactured HJ knives and SA daggers (though they are extremely rare). In 1939, the company was located in Solingen-Gräfrath on Wuppertaler Straße 269. The company ceased trading on March 23, 1960.
Maker | Karl Robert Kaldenbach |
Location | Solingen-Gr. |
RZM Number | RZM M7/72 |
Trademark | KKR |
Founded | 1920 |
Looking to sell your dagger or sword? We are always buying. Please, Contact us we would be happy to assist you.
Hogle, N. (2021). The Collector’s Guide to Hitler Youth Knives.