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Privacy Policy

We respect and understand your right to privacy. We will not misuse, sell, or exploit any information provided to us. All of the information you provide to us is for the express purpose of: contacting you, processing your order and shipping your order. By supplying such information, we will retain only the information needed to complete your order and keep a log for our business transactions. Lakesidetrader Inc. does not provide or sell personal information about you to any outside company for use in marketing or solicitation. Other than the shipping agency, your information will not be shared with any other company or 3rd party.

The information we collect is as follows:

  • Email:
    • We use your email to get in contact with you, as a unique identifier for your account, for purchases and tracking your orders.
  • Password:
    • We never store any plain text passwords. All of your passwords are encrypted. You will never be emailed your password from us.
  • Security Question:
    • This is for your own safety. It is used for password recovery purposes.
  • Phone Number:
    • We collect your phone number in case there is a problem with your account or order. Other than the shipping agency, your number will not be shared with any other company or 3rd party.
  • Birthday:
    • We collect your Birthday for tracking age demographics among our customers. It is not required to create an account.
  • Name, Shipping and Payment Information:
    • This is used for shipping and payment purposes. We both want an accurate shipping address.

We protect the security of your personal information during transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts (scrambles) information you input. We take several measures to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of all your information.

There are only two cases in which we may share customer information on a confidential basis: when it is required by law or in an emergency situation.

We value your continued business and will be happy to answer any and all of your questions. You can reach us by email at: