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The Hitler Years: A Photographic Documentary Book

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The Hitler Years: A Photographic Documentary by Ivor Matanle, Ted Smart, David Gibbon. The incredible story of Adolf Hitler's rise in a few short years from vagrant Austrian to dictator of most of Europe is of enduring interest not only to those who experienced the appalling destruction he wrought, but also to younger generations to whom he and his political and military machines are no more than history. The impression created now, nearly forty years on, by the enigmatic Chaplinesque figure with the ridiculous moustache that glowers from the pictures in this book contrasts strangely with the almost magical power that the man and his oratory exerted over millions of otherwise rational people. In what is, given the scale of the subject, quite a short book, Ivor Matanle has brought the paradoxical life of this man who was larger than fiction sharply into focus. The book looks in considerable detail at the historical facts, yet is easy and enjoyable to read, providing a balanced view of the background to the greatest human tragedy in history. Of particular interest are the many hitherto unseen or little-used photographs that illustrate the story on every page. Tremendous effort has been put into the search for pictures that reveal all sides of Hitler's complex character. From the world's leading sources have been drawn photographs that give an impression of the Nazi era both as it was, and as the propagandists of the time would have us believe it was. Nazi Germany used pictures for propaganda as no nation had done before. This book attempts to tell and illustrate the story with the balance and the benefit of hindsight.
It's a heavy book making shipping is expensive.

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Item Number:    Book-13476

The Hitler Years: A Photographic Documentary Book The Hitler Years: A Photographic Documentary Book The Hitler Years: A Photographic Documentary Book The Hitler Years: A Photographic Documentary Book The Hitler Years: A Photographic Documentary Book The Hitler Years: A Photographic Documentary Book The Hitler Years: A Photographic Documentary Book The Hitler Years: A Photographic Documentary Book The Hitler Years: A Photographic Documentary Book The Hitler Years: A Photographic Documentary Book

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