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Holler 2nd Model Navy Dagger

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Wow! Look at this beauty! Upgraded scabbard with a portepee! The bright sailing ship etched blade on this one is superb! The details you can see in the etch are awesome! The etch and “F.W. Holler Solingen” maker mark are correctly executed! The tip is sharp and the fit is perfect! The blade rates NM with a few dots of age and yes, the etch is as dark as it looks! The original felt buffer pad remains intact. The early. dent-free, upgraded, brass hammered scabbard looks excellent! It provides wonderful detail, with the hand enhanced bands and random hammering spots throughout. Is shows light wear. It retains both of its original headless side screws. The scabbard sits nicely up against the crossguard and the button works well, as it should. The crossguard and pommel provide wonderful detail to the anchor and eagle. They are both nicely toned matching the scabbard in color and patina. The celluloid grip looks beautiful! No cracks or chips just a few small marks from wear. It has the correct twisted springy wire wrap, that remains nice and tight. This one comes with a correctly tied early golden bullion portepee that obviously has never been off the dagger. It's frayed from "swing" wear. There were some loose threads there and I tightened them up with some thread. This is a beautiful piece that deserves a great home!

Rating:    Exc++/NM
Item Number:    NA-25121

Holler 2nd Model Navy Dagger Holler 2nd Model Navy Dagger Holler 2nd Model Navy Dagger Holler 2nd Model Navy Dagger Holler 2nd Model Navy Dagger Holler 2nd Model Navy Dagger Holler 2nd Model Navy Dagger Holler 2nd Model Navy Dagger Holler 2nd Model Navy Dagger Holler 2nd Model Navy Dagger

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