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1941 Romanian Eastern Front “Crusade Against Communism” Medal

A 1941 Romanian Cruciada Impotriva Comunismului; circular gilded bronze medal; on loop for suspension; with its period original ribbon; the obverse with a hand holding a sword vertically with sun rays to the left and right of the hilt, and circumscribed “1941” as well as “Cruciada Importava Comunismului” (Crusade against Communism); the reverse with a portrait of a female facing towards the left and circumscribed “Romania Recunoscatoare” (Romania Recognisant).

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    M-30290
Price:    $74.95 USD

1941 Romanian Eastern Front “Crusade Against Communism” Medal 1941 Romanian Eastern Front “Crusade Against Communism” Medal 1941 Romanian Eastern Front “Crusade Against Communism” Medal 1941 Romanian Eastern Front “Crusade Against Communism” Medal 1941 Romanian Eastern Front “Crusade Against Communism” Medal 1941 Romanian Eastern Front “Crusade Against Communism” Medal 1941 Romanian Eastern Front “Crusade Against Communism” Medal 1941 Romanian Eastern Front “Crusade Against Communism” Medal 1941 Romanian Eastern Front “Crusade Against Communism” Medal 1941 Romanian Eastern Front “Crusade Against Communism” Medal

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