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Switzerland - M1914 Sawing Bayonet by H.S.

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Switzerland, WWII – Sagebajonett Mod. 1914 by Hans Steimer of Wasen im Emmental. Introduced in 1914, these Sawing Bayonets were issued to select troops, along with the 7.5mm Bolt-Action Schmidt-Rubin M1911 Carbine and the M1931 Short Rifle (K31 Carbine), for both the Swiss and Italians. These M1914 bayonets were originally introduced with leather scabbards in WWI, yet new production in 1938 replaced the leather scabbards with steel. The 18 7/8 inch, fullered single side, swell-point tip, sawback, matte finished blade looks great! It features a nicely executed “H.S.” above a Swiss cross maker mark. Typical surface scratches/runner marks. The scabbard is sheet metal based and black enamel painted. It holds 97%+ of its original painted surface. No dents. The throat retaining screw remains intact as does the obverse leather hanger strap. The throat and just above the hanger are both marked. The ball has the Swiss cross on it. The scabbard sits nicely up against the hilt. The hilt is constructed out of polished steel. The crossguard is numbered: “62870” and features the mussel ring. The push button continues to work well. There are two grained wood grips that are in perfect condition. Overall it is a very nice bayonet!

Rating:    NM
Item Number:    BA-32206

Switzerland - M1914 Sawing Bayonet by H.S. Switzerland - M1914 Sawing Bayonet by H.S. Switzerland - M1914 Sawing Bayonet by H.S. Switzerland - M1914 Sawing Bayonet by H.S. Switzerland - M1914 Sawing Bayonet by H.S. Switzerland - M1914 Sawing Bayonet by H.S. Switzerland - M1914 Sawing Bayonet by H.S. Switzerland - M1914 Sawing Bayonet by H.S. Switzerland - M1914 Sawing Bayonet by H.S. Switzerland - M1914 Sawing Bayonet by H.S.

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