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M18 SD Army Helmet NS66

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Nice stamped sheet steel construction M18 helmet. It retains about 85% of its smooth, parade green, transitional paint with normal skuffs and scrapes. The left side of the helmet has an nice decal which is retained about 99% with some honest surface crazing. The helmet has all three liner retaining rivets and both ventilation lugs intact. The interior of the helmet has an age and usage darkened, tan M31 leather liner which is fully intact with all eight fingers and the original tie string. chinstrap is intact. The side is stamped "NS66" indicating Vereinigte Deutsche Nickelwerke AG, Schwerte and the size. Helmet is a good large size..

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    HE-34326

M18 SD Army Helmet NS66 M18 SD Army Helmet NS66 M18 SD Army Helmet NS66 M18 SD Army Helmet NS66 M18 SD Army Helmet NS66 M18 SD Army Helmet NS66 M18 SD Army Helmet NS66 M18 SD Army Helmet NS66 M18 SD Army Helmet NS66 M18 SD Army Helmet NS66

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