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Royal Army Chaplains Department Badge

Canada, c.1953 - 2nd Pattern – Christian Royal Army Chaplains' Department (RAChD) Collar Dog / Badge by William Scully Ltd. of Montreal. Die struck two-piece silvered alloy. The obverse features the chaplain department symbol and reads: “In This Sign Conquer” below the queen’s crown. The reverse features two screw on pieces and is maker marked: “Scully Ltd.”. It measures 23mm wide.

Rating:    NM
Item Number:    M-34558
Price:    $24.95 USD

Royal Army Chaplains Department Badge Royal Army Chaplains Department Badge Royal Army Chaplains Department Badge Royal Army Chaplains Department Badge Royal Army Chaplains Department Badge Royal Army Chaplains Department Badge Royal Army Chaplains Department Badge Royal Army Chaplains Department Badge Royal Army Chaplains Department Badge Royal Army Chaplains Department Badge

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