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Reenactment - Kriegsmarine Small Battle Unit Badge Grade 5

The "Bewährungs- und Kampfabzeichen der Kleinkampfmittel" was instituted November 30th, 1944 by the Supreme Commander of the German Navy, Karl Dönitz. Though authorized it is doubtfull any were ever issued prior to May 1945. A good quality Post-war example

Rating:    NM
Item Number:    M-35760
Price:    $49.95 USD

Reenactment - Kriegsmarine Small Battle Unit Badge Grade 5 Reenactment - Kriegsmarine Small Battle Unit Badge Grade 5 Reenactment - Kriegsmarine Small Battle Unit Badge Grade 5 Reenactment - Kriegsmarine Small Battle Unit Badge Grade 5 Reenactment - Kriegsmarine Small Battle Unit Badge Grade 5 Reenactment - Kriegsmarine Small Battle Unit Badge Grade 5 Reenactment - Kriegsmarine Small Battle Unit Badge Grade 5 Reenactment - Kriegsmarine Small Battle Unit Badge Grade 5 Reenactment - Kriegsmarine Small Battle Unit Badge Grade 5 Reenactment - Kriegsmarine Small Battle Unit Badge Grade 5

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