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13 Knight's Cross Winner Postcards

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13 Knight's Cross Winner Postcards. Generals, Aces, Oakleaf winners and highly decorated soldiers. Major Gollob, Generalmajor Schrer, Generaloberst Freiherr von Richthofen, Generalfeldmarschall Rommel, Wolf-Dietrich "Wolfdieter" Huy, Hauptmann Hahn, Generalfeldmarschall von Brauchitsch, General der Flieger Albert Kesselring, Major Storp, Oberleutnant Ostermann, Hayptmann Bär, Major Otto Ernst Remer, Oberfeldwebel Leopold Steinbatz.

Rating:    Exc++/NM
Item Number:    P-36323

13 Knight's Cross Winner Postcards 13 Knight's Cross Winner Postcards 13 Knight's Cross Winner Postcards 13 Knight's Cross Winner Postcards 13 Knight's Cross Winner Postcards 13 Knight's Cross Winner Postcards 13 Knight's Cross Winner Postcards 13 Knight's Cross Winner Postcards 13 Knight's Cross Winner Postcards 13 Knight's Cross Winner Postcards

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