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Border Customs Official’s Sleeve Shield

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Ärmelschild der Reichsfinanzverwaltung-Zollgrenzschutz. Introduced c.June 25, 1936, this arm shield would have been worn on the upper left sleeve of the National Finance Administration Customs Border Guard uniform while on duty. It is constructed out of a die-struck tombak base that has been gold gilded. The oval shaped obverse features a centrally placed national eagle, with outstretched wings clutching a wreathed mobile swastika in its talons, which is below an arched embossed Gothic script which reads: “Reichsfinanzverwaltung-Zollgrenzschutz” (National Finance Administration Customs Border Guard), and is above a stamped numbered plate that reads: “8519”, all of which lies on a pebbled field and is surrounded by a thin raised dual outer border. There are eight small holes, four pairs of two, to the top, bottom and sides, which were intended to attach it to a sleeve. The hollow back reverse of the shield is a mirror image of the obverse excluding the serial number. 95% of the gold gilt remains. Nice details throughout. It measures 2 5/8 inches wide by 3 ¼ inches tall.

Rating:    NM
Item Number:    AB-36466

Border Customs Official’s Sleeve Shield Border Customs Official’s Sleeve Shield Border Customs Official’s Sleeve Shield Border Customs Official’s Sleeve Shield Border Customs Official’s Sleeve Shield Border Customs Official’s Sleeve Shield Border Customs Official’s Sleeve Shield Border Customs Official’s Sleeve Shield Border Customs Official’s Sleeve Shield Border Customs Official’s Sleeve Shield

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