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Series of letters from Himmler to Kurt Daluege

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Originally purchased from Wittmann a couple years ago. Rather than re type all this I'll use his description: POTOPURRI #27766C Series of letters from Himmler to Kurt Daluege: These two letters are quite interesting, as they are thank you letters between two of Germany's infamous SS police commanders. The first letter is on the stationery of Kurt Daluege as Prussian Minister of the Interior and General of the Prussian police and the Lands police. He addresses the letter to Himmler and goes on to thank Himmler for giving him the SS honor ring. The letter is dated in early January 1934. The letter is signed by Daluege and is completely hand-written, using the old sutterlerlin style handwriting, The letter also has the penciled initials "HH" at the top, an indication the Himmler received the letter and indeed read it. The next letter is from Himmler coming out of the Munich office on 12 January 1934. Himmler addresses the letter to Daleuge and in the first paragraph calls him his good friend and congratulations him on a happy new year and hopes for a great year for 1934. Further down in the letter, he expresses his gratitude that Daluege is happy with his SS ring. The letter is initially by Himmler in ink. These two letters show a warm relationship between these two people. Somehow, "honor among thieves" is the only interpretation I can think of, but, historically, these are a couple of important letters. I am sure there are many SS collectors out there who would love to add these letters to there files.

Rating:    N/A
Item Number:    Doc-5502

Series of letters from Himmler to Kurt Daluege Series of letters from Himmler to Kurt Daluege Series of letters from Himmler to Kurt Daluege Series of letters from Himmler to Kurt Daluege Series of letters from Himmler to Kurt Daluege Series of letters from Himmler to Kurt Daluege Series of letters from Himmler to Kurt Daluege Series of letters from Himmler to Kurt Daluege Series of letters from Himmler to Kurt Daluege Series of letters from Himmler to Kurt Daluege

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