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Croatian Waffen SS Handschar Collar Tab

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Here we have a collar tab issued to the first non-Germanic Waffen-SS division, the Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian)! It is constructed out of a tan buckram base that is covered in a black wool with silver/grey stitching (that has aged to a brown over time). The obverse features a wrist and hand holding a scimitar sword above a swastika. The reverse shows the buckram base, to the center, that is surrounded by the folded over black wool covering that is stitched to the base. You can see to the tip of the loose threads where the stitching was previously grey/silver. A neat piece available to complete your Axis collar tab collection!

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    CT-7758

Croatian Waffen SS Handschar Collar Tab Croatian Waffen SS Handschar Collar Tab Croatian Waffen SS Handschar Collar Tab Croatian Waffen SS Handschar Collar Tab Croatian Waffen SS Handschar Collar Tab Croatian Waffen SS Handschar Collar Tab Croatian Waffen SS Handschar Collar Tab Croatian Waffen SS Handschar Collar Tab Croatian Waffen SS Handschar Collar Tab Croatian Waffen SS Handschar Collar Tab

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