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August Rother, Solingen

The August Rother, Stahlwarenfabrik, company began sometime prior to 1920. In Messer und Schere and sales catalogs, the Rother is listed as a knifemaker. Rother specialized in knives for professional shoemakers, butchers and saddlers as well as pocket, bread and meat knives and good quality tableware. In 1931, the company was recorded on Schweizerstrasse 3 in Solingen. Come the Third Reich, early era SA daggers were made-Fisher estimates 1,000. The company likely ceased trading after the war.

Maker August Rother
Location Solingen

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Early SA by Rare Maker August Rother

Early SA by Rare Maker August Rother

Item Number:    SA-16964
Rating:    Exc/Exc+
Not Available
Early SA Dagger by August Rother

Early SA Dagger by August Rother

Item Number:    SA-14635
Rating:    Exc++
Not Available
Early August Rother SA Dagger

Early August Rother SA Dagger

Item Number:    SA-11377
Rating:    Exc+/Exc++
Not Available