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Kuno Meissenburg, Undine, Solingen

The Kuno Meissenburg, Undine, Stahlwarenfabrik, company was founded in October 1919. It registered two trademarks in 1922: "FISCHWEIB" and "UNDINE". Records indicate the company was located on Lerchen Strasse 8 in Solingen from 1935-1939. Undine was a manufacturer of cutlery and knives. During the Third Reich, Undine made a few early era SA daggers. Undine registered in Solingen after the war come August, 1954. There is a company, under the same name (that may be the same company), that sells food and household articles. In 1982, Kuno Meissenburg was located Brühler Strasse 61 in Solingen.

Maker Kuno Meissenburg, Undine
Location Solingen
RZM Number N/A
Trademark Mythical Water Nymph
Founded 1919

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Early SA Dagger by Undine

Early SA Dagger by Undine

Item Number:    SA-26176
Rating:    Exc+
Not Available
Early SA Dagger by Undine

Early SA Dagger by Undine

Item Number:    SA-20013
Rating:    Exc++
Not Available
Early NSKK Dagger by Undine

Early NSKK Dagger by Undine

Item Number:    SA-33595
Rating:    Exc+/Exc++
Not Available